I LOVE my dining room. A few months ago, I refinished my hutch and buffet and ended up loving it black. I got the idea from THE NESTER- she's brilliant, I love her decorating ideas. And speaking of girls with great ideas Kelly's dining room is awfully great isn't it? Don't you just love southern decorating? I know I do!

My table and chairs were given to me by my mom and dad. We use to have a beautiful antique table but my very very sweet Kid3 is brutal on furniture. It wasn't Kid3 proof so we were agreed to switch to this one so he could join us at the dinner table again- it has stood the test of time for sure!

My brother gave my this table cloth for my birthday. He knows I collect 50's style table cloths, it was so sweet of him to pick it up for me. I had never seen this print and LOVE IT!

My plate holder with a few of my platters. I got this plate rack from a garage sale site locally. The bottom platter says "Give us this day our daily bread". It's so cute, I found it used.

Kid1 broke the bottom of my cake holder a while ago and I found this one at Hobby Lobby for a great deal. I love red, so this was perfect.
I still think my dining room needs a little something else? Have any ideas?
Your dining room is lovely! My only suggestions would be some greenery and maybe add to your centerpiece.
Your dining room is beautiful!!!!! Thanks for shaing!
I'm a homeschooling,SAHM from GA to...nice to meet you:)
I'm a homeschooling SAHM too (but not in GA). :) I really like the wall w/the "B." Can't believe you found all that at Goodwill! I love the table cloth - really sweet that your brother picked that out. Great room!
Very very nice....thanks for sharing !
Cute! I love the plate-holder! :)
What about painting your plate holder black? Then your white plates will pop :) . Just a thought!
I love the wall with the large b and the photos!
Hi Ashley~
WOW, your dining room is just gorgeous! Your china cabinet is amazing! LOVE that vintage style tablecloth, as well as your curtains! :) You are a very talented decorator!
I hope you are having a fun Memorial Day weekend! :) Have a great night!
I have that same cake plate stand! I just don't have anything to cover it with.
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