Tuesday, August 4, 2009

on the road again, and again, and again...

Well friends the time has come to head out on another road trip.

Yes! Yes! I agree it seems just like yesterday that I was trekking back and forth to New Mexico or Mt. Perfect…. But now we’re out the door again.

This time we’re heading out to Colorado for Big girls wedding. If you are feeling unfamiliar with “Big Girl” check out this post and it should clear it up for you.

Here’s the skinny on the trip. We, and by “we” I mean Mr. B., me, Bat Girl, and Kids1-4 are loading up for a two day drive to Co Springs to be in and at Big Girls wedding. This ended up being a really bad time for us but Big Girl could not have known when she planned it how hairy it would be for us.

Why is this trip hairy you ask? Oh let me count the ways!
1. school starts Tuesday and we leave Wednesday at 3pm
2. It’s a REALLY long drive.
3. Mr. B. isn’t cleared to drive yet
4. Bat Girl isn’t feeling all that well either so I will probably do all the driving.
5. I like to drive at night, everyone else likes to drive during the day
6. kids
7. bags, wedding clothes, sleeping bags and anything else we can fit in the car
8. have YOU heard the words “Are we there yet 300 times in one day?”
9. kids…. (did I say that already)

So we’re heading out of here Wednesday as soon as the 2nd day of school is over, I am picking the kids up shoving them into the shower and then they will file into the car which by the way will already be packed (I hope). We plan on hopping in and then Bat Girl and I are settling in for a nice book (she reads to me while we drive and I love it). Mr. B. is sitting in back with the girls and to be honest he will probably sleep poor guy he is not 100% yet.

Truth be told I seriously can’t wait to get on the road, if you have ever driven through the Rockies you know what I am looking forward to. There is something so inspiring about those grand mountains, something so majestic.

I can’t wait to wrap my arms around my Big girl, family and friends. You know when it comes right down to it I love a good road trip. I adore being shut up in the car with Bat Girl, hours and hours of talking and laughing and just being together.

While I drive I’ll think of Brandi and the Bubs and her HUGE road trip! (and be glad I’m not shut in the car with my parents, no offense mom and dad, I bet you wouldnt want to be shut in the car with me either)

Wish us luck, say a little prayer and hope for good weather!

Thanks Y’all!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Oh my gosh!! A day or two difference and we might have been passing each other on the road! Y'all be safe and have a wonderful time! Congrats to your BG!