Wednesday, January 21, 2009

moving madness

Dear new house,
Do you love me? Could you possibly love me as much as I love you? I’m not trying to be materialistic but I must seem like that to you... loving you like I do.

Dear can opener,
WHEW! I thought I would never see your shiny silvery face again. You cannot know how I missed you yesterday evening while Mr. B. struggled with that can. I’m not saying anything against him but he just can’t do a can justice- not like you can you sly red fox!

Dear Ziploc bags,
why oh why are you eluding me? Why do you choose to hide your straight blue smile? Are you so transparent that you can’t think of anything but yourself as you hide somewhere in this boxy mess? I’m shocked at your behavior!

Dear dryer,
Please come back to me.

Dear ice cream scoop,
I like your strategy, hiding last night when I needed you most, and then laying out in the open today when I was full of lunch. You’re a fun girl little scoop and I like your sense of humor. By the way, thanks for looking out for my middle.

Is it possible that moving made me crazy?

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