Friday, July 17, 2009

summer thoughts

Some of our summer has been busy and some has not. As you know we have made one big road trip and visited lots of friends and family in June. The month of July has been more relaxing, we are looking to my fun friend Linda visiting this weekend but mostly we have enjoyed being home, cooking out, swimming, hot days, playing hide and seek, sonic slushies, finishing up decorating in our house… you know summer stuff?!

Yesterday we watched TV, played high-ho-cherry-o, colored many pictures, went to Kid4’s doctor’s appointment for a pesky ear infection and read lots of stories. We skipped swimming because of that darn outer ear infection- ouch!

Kid4 wanted me to take a couple of pictures of her magnetic dolls that we worked so hard to dress, matching their clothes so carefully so I did. She inspected the pictures and approved. When I looked at the pictures today they made me smile because there’s nothing better than sitting around the house, doing a lot of nothing with your kids. It might be dolls, crayons, books, listening to your teen play his guitar, whatever it is- stop and take a moment to enjoy it.

Those little moments are gone before you know it.

Cherish them.

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