Happy birthday Grandma- I love you so much. You're 105 today. I have loved and cherished every moment with you.
My dear Great Grandma was born in 1904 and is still living today.
She was born while Theodore Roosevelt was president. She was born when there were only 144 miles of paved roads and 8,000 cars. Can you imagine living when only 1 in 10 Americans could read and write, only 14 percent of the population had bathtubs and the American flag only had 45 stars? I can’t begin to wrap my mind around there only being 30 people in Las Vegas, Nevada- now there are 30 people per elevator! Can you imagine that in 1904 there had only been 230 reported murders in America so far? It’s not something I can even fathom.
My Great Grandma life started with Theodore Roosevelt and life will likely end for her while Obama is in office- now that’s change! My Great Grandma has seen change in her life, she knows about change. My Great Grandma to this day can talk about politics, family, remember birthdays and have a normal and relevant conversation while you sit at her side. She is amazing.
Her eyes have quit looking- she is blind now. Can you imagine what she might have seen in 104 years with those eyes? When I visit her I stand there in quiet awe of her before I speak. I always just look at her pure beauty and wonder what she thinks about and if her mind ever wanders back to the years when she was young. When we speak I look at those eyes and I marvel at the fact that those eyes looked at this world for over one hundred years until they retired. Have you ever looked into your baby’s eyes and known that those eyes will see you first and then so many other things-possibly one hundred years of change?
I have sat and talked with my Great Grandma about change and the state of the world and the change she has seen and I always walk away in utter amazement! The things she has seen, done, heard are comparable to nothing! I love to look at pictures of her when she was younger, her and great grandpa, her and I and now her and my own babies. If we could transfer all her knowledge- the knowledge of 104 years what would that do to our minds?
My Great Grandmothers 104 years could not have all been easy. She lost children of her own, brothers and sister, nieces and nephews, grandchildren and great children. The loss of her husband of more than 75 years was a hard loss and so it was so hard to see her grieving for him. I know she must ask herself why she is still here today, why she has suffered so much and lived so long. I have asked her before why she thought she was still on this earth and she simply said “God isn’t ready for me to come home yet”.
I believe that My Great Grandma lives still today because she has great faith in God. I don’t think she filled her mind with unnecessary worries, sin and things that plague us today. I believe that my Great Grandma kept her eyes on the Lord, prayed fervently when necessary and looked to God for help. Her faith has sustained her and still is today.
I know that she has seen great changes in this world we share and so many of them must have broken her heart or made her feel weary and weak in the knees. If I asked my Grandma today this minute what she thought about this presidential election I think she would tell me to pray for him as we would any president. God can do anything he sees fit and he can prick our President Elect’s heart.
Grandma you’re amazing! There are just hardly words to describe your strength and faith. When I feel weak and weary I think of you and how much change you have endured and it gives me hope. You’re an example of strength, faith and pure wonderfulness to many. I respect and adore you more than I can say.
*presidents during my Grandma’s life*
Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)
William Howard Taft (1909-1913)
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)
Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929)
Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)
Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)
John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)
Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)
Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
Gerald Ford (1974-1977)
Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
George Bush (1989-1993)
Bill Clinton (1993-2001)
George W. Bush (2001- present)
Obama (2008 president Elect)
Beautiful post. I loved it! Happy Birthday to Grandma!
Wow! Happy Birthday Grandma! She is amazing!!!
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