Monday, April 13, 2009

Help me Hannah...

My girls want to see the new Hannah Montana movie and I’m apprehensive. Isn’t that crazy? I mean for pete’s sake- it’s a kids movie for cryin out loud and I kind of want to see it myself! I think the issue is simply this-

Have you ever sat through a REALLY RE-ALLY boring movie? I have and I don’t even have to remind Bat Girl of what it was either. If you saw her and you said to her “Hey Bat Girl, what’s the most boring you have ever seen” She would quickly answer- Country Bears.

Can I just freely tell you that I would rather pick some else’s scabs and glue them to a canvas in a beautiful red and brown mosaic than watch Country Bears again. I didn’t love Chicken run either but after living in Mt. Perfect I think I could actually appreciate that one a little more.

So the problem is simply this; am I going to be horribly bored, am I going to be so uninterested that I start plucking my own hair and braiding baskets for next Easter?

I’m going to try it, think of me, wish me well, pray it’s good!

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