Monday, December 15, 2008

Let's make-up!

Conversation with Kid4

me-did you get into my make-up?

Kid4- NO!

me- DID YOU get into my make-up?

Kid4- MOM... NO!

me- I'm going to ask you one more time. DID YOU get into my make-up?

Kid4- Mom! I promise I did not get into YOUR make-up!

**at this point in the conversation I can see where I have gone wrong with the questioning**

me- WHO'S make-up did you get into?

Kid4- Sissy's!

Kid4 is VERY literal. She was dead serious about NOT getting into "my" make-up and could not understand why I was grilling her!

1 comment:

Life In Oh-me-haw said...

She looks BOO-TI-FUL!!!!! Ha!