One day a long time ago I was home sick with kid3. He was about 6 I think. He was resting and watching TV and playing in the playroom and I decided to take a nap. So I told this particular kid that I was going to take a little nap and he could play or watch TV but do not answer the door, phone etc.... all things Mom's say to keep their kids safe when they are napping!
I had a great nap, slept great! I got up to check on kid3 and wondered how he had filled his time and wandered to the Play room to check on him. He was watching cartoons and sitting on the couch. He and I talked for a few minutes, I asked him how he was feeling, etc.
As we sat there watching cartoons together he says this to me-
"Mom, I tried to watch 'Hot Mommies' on one of the hundred channels but I couldn't get it to turn on, I really wanted to see THAT show"
I look shocked I just know it because I don't hide my emotions, Im not good at it! Im sure my mouth was wide open. He then said this to me-
"do you not want me to watch 'Hot Mommies', can you show me how to make THAT channel work?
So I pulled it together and said "No, we don't have those channels honey, you'll just have to stick to cartoons".
He then said "What do you think THAT show was about?"
I smartly lied and said "You know, I have NO idea"..... and ran out of the room!
I laughed when I thought about this today and Im not sure why it even came to mind, but I was thinking about how awkward it was then and how funny it is now! We had DISH TV back then and all the titles were shown even if you could not turn to the channels- I was terrified for my kids to read these channels.... I was terrified for my kids to read at all with the world in the state that is in... but thats another blog for another day.