Monday, January 31, 2011
to improvise or not to improvise… that IS the question
Sunday, January 30, 2011
a fiery date night….
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011
Is there one particular thing, one particular person, one particular place that you feel lovely? Is it possible to pinpoint exactly one thing about another person that makes you feel so lovely? Is it possible to pinpoint the exact moment or does it just sneak up on you and all of a sudden you realize how lovely you feel and you can't put your finger on exactly why.
I hope you have someone that makes you feel lovely, a certain place a particular thing or all those things at once. I think everyone deserves to feel lovely. Can you imagine feeling extremely beautiful everyday? I hope you do feel beautiful, loved, important, smart and just plain lovely as often as possible.
Have a lovely day…. REALLY…. just DO IT!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
driving diva
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Grandmas and burnt toast
Monday, January 24, 2011
Miss texty texterson
Friday, January 21, 2011
don't call me I'll call you...

Thursday, January 20, 2011
my little wild thing...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
sisters, love and notes...
Monday, January 17, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
the amnesty sink

Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
the horror continued...
She killed that little matchbox with a more than likely bad transmission over and over and over as she eeked out into the busy road ahead…
Again, I felt like I should probably give her some confidence, I mean after all isn’t that MY JOB? So, in my most terrified and again high-pitched voice I shout out “D-d-d-DEAR GOD, pah-pah-lease m-m-m-ake it stop”…. And I seriously did not mean to say that. (I wish I were kidding) I really wanted to give her words of wisdom, like calmly saying “you're doing good, just a little more gas and a little less clutch”… but instead I was in full freak out mode now. (Have I told you that I laugh hysterically when I’m nervous?) When I realized I was shouting out things I didn’t mean to say I tried to fix it by calmly saying “honey, everyone struggles when they learn to drive a stick”…. But instead I squeaked out “y-y-y-y-YOUR doing g-g-g-great…. P-p-p-p lease don’t kill us”…. And I was shocked… so there I am laughing hysterically and tears start pouring down my cheeks because I am literally scared to death. I can’t stop shouting, she is shouting and laughing at ME… because as you know I am “such a hoot when I’m nervous”…. I covered my face because at this point I was too scared to even get out of the car, you know since we were hanging out in the intersection and all.
THEN, SHE PUT IT IN REVERSE and hit the gas and I was sobbing… because I don’t think she even looked behind her. It was ONLY by the grace of God that there was no one behind us. I grasped my purse and seatbelt and sat there begging God, or Scotty, to Beam us up, Id take anywhere but here at this point.
Finally, she got that car to move and we sailed toward the other lane. And well…. she looked at me with pride as she sailed off almost into the curb… because apparently her hands and head are controlled by the SAME THING…. I shouted “OH PLEASE …. P-p-p-p-LEASE….. I-I- I-I-I th-th-think you need to watch a little c-c-c-c-closer!
We got there. I cried. I lived. I haven't been in the car with her since.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
driving nightmares!

Recently I had a life changing experience… my 16 year old daughter driving. It’s not that she’s a bad driver, but it’s also not that she’s a good driver. She has a stick shift and those are really hard to drive.
I wish the following was a fictional story, but sadly it’s all fact.
She had to go to work and I thought it would be a great idea to let her drive her own car…. (have I mentioned to you that I’m not all that smart?)
I backed out… because it’s hard to back out of a driveway… right? After I backed out and got “too close” (at least 5 feet) to Kid1’s car she tried to get it to move without rolling… but as we moved dangerously close to Kid1’s beloved Honda she was screaming and I was still relatively calm. She got out, I got out, moved her car to a better spot… Anyway…. We got going after a few tries and sailed straight through the first stop sign, which should have been my first clue. When leaving our neighborhood you have to turn out into traffic… and as she rolled, and the car sputtered and died over and over all as we're rolling into the street, I started to feel a REAL panic coming on.
I could not even help myself; I was starting to completely freak out. At this point, I thought that she probably needed some reassurance, so in my high-pitched-dog-whistle-pure- panic-voice I shout and I DO MEAN shout… “w-w-w-well….. your d-d-d-d-doing gah-gah-gah REAT honey” (did I also tell you I have a REALLY bad stammer when I’m DYING of fear?) She laughed because as you know “I’m so funny” when in fear for my life… as other cars whizzed by I just covered my eyes.
She finally made it, she got out on the relatively big road with her stick shift and I was paralyzed in horror when I realized the next turn is a MAJOR intersection with only a stop sign… I mean it’s all judgment and gas here ... and she, as a new driver, has a little less good judgment and little more of “meh…. I’ll probably make it” attitude… (I need to interject here that she drives a HONDA CRX- VERY small car). As we glide into the stop at the VERY busy road ahead, I honestly thought I would throw up. I kept telling myself that we would probably be okay ….
to be continued….
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
Monday, January 10, 2011
the last goodbye
Sunday, January 9, 2011
stress with a little side of spinal tap- YAY me!

Saturday, January 8, 2011
the sun has set on the murderous muck...
Friday, January 7, 2011
The beauty in something simple is well…. simple.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
family pics

nothing much to report…
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
poor kid

Monday, January 3, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
It's today...