Tuesday, April 13, 2010

If everyone could have a kid like this... the world would be a better place!

Once upon a time Kid1 brought home this little punk kid and he walked around like owned the place. He hung out here a lot, he ate my food, he parked in my parking spot, he left his shoes sitting around on the counter and you want to know something?

This kid, Baby Ty, is the sweetest person I have ever met. He would give you the shirt off of his back. This very sweet boy seriously has a heart of gold. Most days he helps me run kids here and there and everywhere, I don't even know what I'd do without him anymore.

He makes me smile every single day. When Im run down he always takes a minute to ask if Im okay. If I'm tired he picks up Kid4, if I'm out of milk, he gets milk. He's amazing. It's not just the things he does that makes him so special, it's who he IS.

Baby T,
If there were a million jillion kids all standing around for me to choose from, I'd choose you. You seriously amaze me every single day. I could spend every minute talking and laughing with you. I just simply never tire of you. Your heart is gold. I have honestly never met a more kind person. The compassion you have towards others takes my breath away. Don't change a single thing Baby T, not one little thing (well maybe the burping... but I can even live with that). Your going places, your life will be so good, my life is so good because your in it. Thank you Baby T, thank you for all you do and for who you are. I will love you always and forever.

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