Thursday, February 5, 2009

J names and boring books

Just had to share the halarious moment I had with Kid3 this afternoon. Before I tell you this conversation I want to tell you that he IS in honors classes at school I SWEAR!
me- how's school going?

him- good, but I'm not doing very well in english.

me- why?

him- we're reading some book that is SO boring!

me- oh, Im sorry- a boring book is a bad deal. What book is it?

him- I don't know.... uhhh.... oh yeah Jacqueline and Hyde or something like that.

me- *laughing* I think it's Jeykll and Hyde.

him- oh yeah... your probably right.

1 comment:

DewTheDew said...

Hello ashley thanks so much for your commit i enjoyed it. i think its so cool how your friends with a lot of people on here. i saw that you heard about stephanie nielson. (nie nie) she is an amazing women i personaly know her youngest sister (Lucy Beesley) i never met stephanie but i hope to one day. Thanx again
Oh and another thing, that was amazing, i got to read some things about the little boy Harper i said a little prayer for him all thanks to you. You have started something wonderful just by writing to me thanks again :)