Wednesday, March 25, 2009

go ahead! spill those beans!

I started the morning off by putting a pot of beans on for my Granddaddy, I was so pleased. I was going to take him enough beans to make a few good hot meals for him; he loves a big pot of beans to heat up for himself. I put ham hocks in it, tenderly seasoned it with salt, pepper, cumin and love.

We visited with friends during the afternoon and I rushed home to stir them. They cooked all day and they were perfect. I gave them one more good boil before I packed them up so they would be thick and wonderful and stick to the ribs of an old farmer.

Stir, boil, watch, love, season, warm, comfort.

Bat Girl and I packed them into a container WITH a lid that fit perfectly. We put them in a cake pan so incase there was any sloshing on the long ride to Oklahoma they would slosh into the pan. Perfect plan, perfect beans, wonderful night.

The warm wonderful beans were placed gingerly into the truck into a spot where they would be safe for the drive. We had to stop for gas and then were on our way to Hoofville for some huggin on my Granddaddy.

Kid4 was saying how wonderful the truck smelled and I had to agree. It smelled of a warm home cooked meal, made with love. I was proud. I stopped for gas, changed the movie for Kid4 and soon realized why the truck smelled so wonderful.

The picture finishes my thoughts, there is no reason for me to tell you what happened. So if you saw the spill at the Wal-Mart gas station, I apologize, it was my fault….


wabisabigirl said...

That's sad:( I still have some encrusted carmel pie in my Trailblazer from a similar type of episode!

Peggy said...

Oh no! That is too bad. I bet they would have been delicious too!