Friday, February 25, 2011

the sunshine in my life...

My Dear Kid3, my boy oh' my boy how I love you. There are just not enough words to tell you how happy I am that you are home. I missed you like crazy while you were away at school. The house just wasn't the same without you. You give this house, our family and our hearts a balance that we just can't seem to find without you. You are so lovely, you are so kind and I am so proud of who you are. The way you treat others and the man you are growing into is something to behold. Your ability to know others; really really look inside of them and know their needs is unreal, it's a rare and admirable quality. You are a rare person, an amazing boy and I am honored to be your mom. You take my breath away every day. I still swoon at the sight of you every single morning when I see your smiling face. Thank you for being you, thank you for being extraordinary and thank you for being mine. I treasure you. You will always be my baby. I love you so much more than you will ever know.

Love, Mom

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