Wednesday, April 13, 2011

hard to find the right words...


The field museum is truly nothing less than mind-blowing. I really can't put This amazing place into words. I could have spent all day there easily, maybe all week. I hate to admit it but I was so exhausted that I barely saw any of it. I probably saw half and even then I paid attention to maybe a quarter. It was the first thing we did when we got to Chicago after traveling for two sleep deprived days. Kid4 soaked it all up running behind my parents, learning everything she could. I was just happy to soak in my Dad and see his face. I adore my dad, have I mentioned that before? At one point I sat for a minute and before I knew my dad was shaking me awake, I have no idea how long I slept in a cozy chair among fossils and tourists… I was too tired to care. I wanted to take in every single bone, every single animal and fact but I was just too tired.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

I live 90 miles south of Chicago, and I haven't been to Field in about 13 years. Seeing it through your eyes makes me long to go back! Thanks!

Peggy (formerly Dot)