Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Three cheers for three days off!

We wanted so badly to have a quiet day off, a day of rest.
We ate this with Bat Girl and her family.

Mr. B. and I sat around all day and enjoyed doing NOTHING, and we don't even care if you think we like doing NOTHING because we're old, we like being OLD!

Kid4 is always begging for a craft. I bought her this sponge Bob craft at Hobby Lobby as something special to do on our day off.

Max did a lot of the above...

Kid4 got a lot of help with her craft, Im telling you WHAT would she do without her big sisters and brothers?

Kid3 called and spent the day at my mom and dads playing XBOX (I know you must be relieved that he is able to play XBOX... ;))

Kid2 waitressed and made great tips on this holiday.

Lets hear it for no laboring on LABOR DAY!

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