Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy Birthday United States NAVY

My sailor :) (survivor of our 5 children)

My Grandpa (USS Drexler survivor)

If I had only known how influential the US Navy was going to be in my life I may have been a little bit easier about the bell bottom uniforms and UGLY pale blue works shirt those handsome sailors wore when I was a teenager. If I had only known that the US Navy would play such a HUGE role in my life I might have listened closer to my Grandaddy's old sea stories. I wish I would have listened closer, I wish I would have paid closer attention, I wish, I wish, I wish…

I could have never imagined that the Navy would have played such an important and wonderful role in my life. I could never have known that while gazing at my handsome Grandaddy as a young sailor on that picture wall of fame that I would one day marry a sailor. I could never imagine that while being nestled into my Grandpa's lap intently watching him organize reunions for the survivors of the USS Drexler that one day I would be anxiously awaiting the arrival of my own sailor after a long deployment.

Happy Birthday Dear Old United States Navy! Happy Birthday dear old friend! WOW, 236 years and counting! Thank you for your service, for your history and for all your amazing sea stories. I can't wait to hear a thousand more…

Thanking GOD...

I saw this on a friend of mine's facebook the other day and I have thought about it ever since. I have been praying diligently with Kid4 over so many things so that she may have peace about her Daddy, school, friends and so many other things that plague her little restless soul. I spend so much time listing things that we are thankful for that I often forget to ask God for help for the things we are struggling with. Sometimes after I say "Amen" she adds "...and help me to not have bad dreams…"

What do YOU thank God for every day? I ALWAYS thank God for my kids, their friends, for Batgirl and her family OF COURSE! I ALWAYS thank God for my home, our safety, happiness and the fact that we are free. I was thinking the other day after I read this about only waking up to what I had thanked God for… REALLY think about that…!

I adjusted my prayers a bit tonight! :)

Thank YOU GOD for everything! I love you.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

fall in love with sisters...

Every day I FALL in love with my girls all over again.

Every morning I FALL in love with those little giggly smiles and bright eyes.

Every afternoon I FALL in love with the snuggles I get from a sleepy baby.

Every day after school I FALL in love with the pounding of feet running in the door from the bus after a long day of school.

Every evening I FALL in love with the singing and cooing that silly babies do as they learn to talk and communicate.

Every twilight I FALL in love with the jabbering and stories about life from my favorite school girl.

Every sunset I FALL in love with the splashing girls at bath time as they play and giggle and just be sisters.

Every nightfall I thank my GOD for giving me little girls to be thankful for and FALL in love with over and over everyday.

Monday, October 10, 2011

I *heart* teenagers!

This is what my kitchen looks like on any given weekend (and some weekdays).

What do you see when you look at this picture? Do you see just teenagers? Do you see loud noises, your food budget flying out the window and music so loud your ears are bleeding?

I absolutely love teenagers! I see happiness and pure joy, I hear laughing and developing humor. I hear how they express themselves through music. Have you ever really listened to what they are listening too? It's really not THAT bad. Teenagers are really the kindest, most soft hearted humans alive. They are in between jaded adulthood and immature childhood, which is the best place to be if you ask me. Teenagers are amazing listeners, terribly creative and truly kind hearted. They can have an amazing night of fun with 10 dollars in change and make memories that will certainly last a lifetime!

I love it when my house is full of teenagers, their off colored jokes and their amazing plans to pass the time, have a little fun or just do nothing at all but laugh like crazy.

I am blessed beyond belief to be surrounded by brilliant, beautiful, astounding teens and I love them each for different and unique reasons. I cherish the teens in my life more than they will ever know.

I love you all, thanks for making every day and most nights brighter, more fun and memorable! :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

my crazy girl… :)

Your Family

Your family must love you, no matter what.
Even if you often behave like a nut.
They don’t care if you’re lazy or if you swear.
They love you because you are theirs.

You can’t chose the family you’re born in, it’s true.
Sometimes the fit may feel quite askew.
But you have more in common with them than you know.
They’ve shaped your life much like bread’s shaped from dough.

They next time you feel like disowning them,
Take a moment to ponder before you condemn.
Without your family, you’d be more alone.
They’re the only family you’ve known.

by Angela Rose


Thursday, October 6, 2011

count your blessings...

Im SO blessed to wake up to this teensy-weensy blue-eyed beauty every single morning. My beautiful kid5 you are the smiliest, giggliest, loveliest little baby girl EVER! Every morning you wake me up with a smile and I can't believe your mine to adore forever! I was thinking about an old song I use to sing in church when I was a little girl and it put some things into perspective that I have been struggling with lately …

… count your blessings name them one by one,
count your blessings, see what God has done….

When I count my blessings I can't even begin to list them, as I start counting, a smile creeps onto my face because I am immersed in many wonderful blessings. Lately as life has gotten hard and way too complicated to sort out myself I am learning to give the hard parts over to God and COUNT MY BLESSINGS one by one by thanking him for each of them. Kid5 is our newest blessing and what a special gift from God she is.

I am learning that it is better to spend time counting your blessings than doing anything else. When your struggling, thank God for what you DO have, take note of the special blessings in your life, your friends and family. Hold on to the blessings you have as they may not hold on to you as tightly as you would like them too.

Count you blessings,
name them one by one.
Count your blessings,
see what God has done….

Try it my friends, you might be surprised!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

She is of pure heart and mind...

Dear beautiful girl of mine,

I love a million things about you, but one of my very favorite things is how you are smitten by all animals. I absolutely adore how it doesn't matter how many years we have been away from these sweet horses you always remember what you named them the very first time you met them. (Allison and Brittany- remember THIS BLOG) . I love how you want to gently pet every single dog never missing one stroke, even the GIANT, KNARLY slobbery ones! I love how you are positive that every single fluffy kitten has a lovely soft mommy to cuddle and how every wonderful bird has a warm cozy nest to call home.

I love how your mind and your heart are connected, that is such a rare quality in a person now days. When you love someone or something you are devoted with your heart and your mind; my darling girl that is so few and far between in this world.

You my sweetheart are such a rare gem to be admired and enjoyed. Most days I feel like the luckiest mom in the world to have you, your literalness, your pure view of the world and humans. You call it like it is and always believe in the best. I can't imagine life without you and I am positive that God gave you to Daddy and I at a time that we needed you most. You are our treasure darling and I hope to never let you forget how truly adored you are.

I'll love you forever and ever and ever….

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

pick me! pick me! pick me! pick me! pick me! :(

Have you ever felt like this before?

Have you ever felt like every word you were saying no matter what it actually was, was coming out "PICK ME, PICK ME"? Have you ever felt so desperate to be chosen that you felt like your heart was literally reaching out of your chest towards another human being and grasping desperately towards their heart but just out of reach? Have you ever felt yourself begging but you couldn't stop because it was actually your heart and not your head?

I have found myself begging lately, begging for things I wouldn't in a million years believe I would be begging for. I have found myself begging my children to be forgiving, to look into someones heart with compassion instead of judgment. I find myself begging MYSELF to be stronger than any woman should have to be and to stand taller than I am. I find myself begging my boys to be men when they should be allowed to be boys. I find myself begging God for more peace than should be allowed one person. I find myself begging MYSELF to let go while still holding on to all my shattered dreams. I find myself promising my daughters a future I am just not sure about.

I hear myself shouting out "PICK ME, PICK ME" more than I care to admit and I hate it but I can't seem to find the strength to stop even though I know I sound pathetic.

When you hear your own voice shouting "PICK ME, PICK ME" maybe you can give yourself a break and remind your heart that you have already been picked. You might not be picked by someone on this earth but God picked you. Maybe you when your desperate and you can't stop yourself from begging, maybe when your heart is reaching for anothers heart and they won't reach back you can remind yourself that God has already reached out to you. He promises to protect your heart especially when you're hurting and dying inside.


Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.